I’ve reached the one-month mark at my new job, and, thanks to colleagues and the community, I think I’m finding my way—mindful, of course, that I still have long way to go! Tonight I attended the local civic association meeting, with a packed agenda. The meeting made for a marathon day—over twelve hours. But joining neighbors at events like this inspires me. I noted several specific areas that may offer opportunities for the library to partner with the community. Of course, the meeting also highlighted how much I have to learn about the area and even about the library. (I’m still struggling with the circulation functions of our ILS!) But, as difficult as it can be to do while still learning the day-to-day operations at the library, I think it’s important to “dig in” outside the library walls pretty quickly, too, because if I wait to learn all the ins and outs of the library and system before venturing beyond its walls, I’ll likely wait forever. And then I would miss the most important part of the picture.
9/29/2012 03:13:27 pm

you might be correctly on those article


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